Tour 2013: The Rockies

The Choirs of Champlin Park have a long tradition of biennial tours to share a music and culture exchange with important destinations outside of Minnesota.


The Rocky Mountains and Denver, Colorado


Departing from Champlin Park after school on Thursday, March 7, after Trimester 2 ends.

Returning Wednesday, March 13.


All choir students in Concert and Treble Choirs and Bel Canto and Rebel Men are eligible to participate in the tour.


A single choir made up of all participating students will rehearse outside of school in the months preceding the trip to prepare four to eight pieces to share with tour audiences. Performances, exchanges, and clinic opportunities will be posted here as they’re arranged.


  • Road Trip – A pair of coach buses will take us 16 hours across the Great Plains.
  • Hotel Stay – Students will room with three friends at a nice hotel with a pool.
  • Food – About half of your meals will be on your own, but breakfasts and most evening meals will be included.
  • Activities – The Rocky Mountains and the Denver area have countless opportunities for fun, adventure, and great experiences. Watch this space for more details.


Because it’s fun. You’ll learn a few things. And you get to hang out with your friends for a week! We’ll see some cool stuff, share some great music, and return home safely with great memories.


Ms. Tempel and seven other adults will chaperone the students throughout the tour.


Tour cost: $900


  • Asking family and close friends to support your tour is the best way to raise funds. They care the most about you having a good experience and may be willing to help you pay for a great trip. Gifts from family and friends give you 100 percent profit.
  • Group activities like grocery bagging, car washes, and carol singing also give you 100 percent profit, but tend to raise fewer dollars and need to be divided among the number of students participating. These types of fundraisers require good organization from parent volunteers. If you’d like to help organize such group activities, please contact Ms. Tempel.
  • Several product sales will be available during the fall and winter, including Happenings books, poinsettias, fresh fruit and candy, and frozen pizzas and desserts. Product sales are great opportunities to ask your neighbors and co-workers, your parents’ friends and coworkers, and other acquaintances to help support your trip. Profits on these items range from 15 to 40 percent, so it is recommended that you not ask family and close friends to participate in these sales if they are not very interested in the products. Consider asking for a donation instead.


  • Deposit Due Monday, September 10, 2012, $300
  • Payment Due Tuesday, October 23, 2012, balance up to $500
  • Payment Due Monday, November 26, 2012, balance up to $600
  • Payment Due Friday, January 4, 2013, balance up to $800
  • Payment Due Thursday, January 31, 2013, balance up to $900
  • Continue Saving for Spending Money before March 7, 2013, about $150

All deposits and payments are made to the CPHS Vocal Music Association. Individual student balance information will be posted regularly on the choir room bulletin board.